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Setting up


In order to connect to your Notion workspace, you’ll need to create a new integration in Notion, which will then provide you with a secret token.

These steps are pulled from this Notion guide which you can also follow.

Step 1: Create an integration

  1. Visit in your browser.
  2. Click the + New integration button.
  3. Name the integration (something like “kb”).
  4. Select “Read content” as the only capability required.
  5. Click Submit to create the integration.

On the next page, you’ll find your Notion integration token, also called an API key.

The integration has been added to the workspace, so any member can share pages and databases with it. There’s no requirement to be an Admin to share information with an integration.\

Step 2: Share pages/databases with your integration

Now that you’ve created an integration, you need to grant it access to Notion pages/databases. To keep your information secure, integrations don’t have access to any pages or databases in the workspace at first. You must share specific pages with an integration.

To share a page/database with your integration:

  1. Go to the page/database in your workspace.

  2. Click the ••• on the top right corner of the page.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up and click Add connections.

  4. Search for and select the new integration in the Search for connections... menu.

  5. If you’ve added a page, all child pages also become accesssible. If you’ve added a database, all rows (and their children) become accessible.