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Google drive

  1. Create a Google Cloud Project
  2. Enable the Google Drive API
  • On the left panel, open APIs & services

  • Go to Enabled APIs and services, on the top click ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES

  • Search for Google Drive API and click ENABLE

  • Alternatively visit this link, select your project and enable the Google Drive API\

  1. Set up the OAuth consent screen
  • Under APIs & services, select the OAuth consent screen tab
  • If you don’t have a Google Organization select External for User Type
  • For the required emails, use any email of your choice.
  1. Set up Scopes

Add the scope .../auth/drive.readonly, .../auth/drive.metadata.readonly for Google Drive API\

  1. Create a Service Account
  • Go to the Service Account management page in Google Cloud.
  • Click Create Service Account button and fill out the fields in step 1.
  • You can ignore steps 2 and 3.
  • Go to the Keys section, and click Add Key.
  • Download this key.
  1. Share access for the email in the service account.\

  • The data you share with this email will be import into your knowledge in Jarvis Dashboard.